Saint Brendan Church

A Roman Catholic Community 


Mass Intentions




Parish Dinner & Auction

Sunday, June 1, 2014 

Time: 12:00 p.m. –5:00 p.m.

Chicken Francese, Pasta Ala Vodka,

Salad, Green Beans,

Strawberry Short Cake, Coffee

Chinese Auction.

             Adults:                                         $10.00

             Chlidren 4-10 years                          $5.00

Chlidren 3 & under Free

Tickets will be on sale after all the Masses, or you can get them that day at the door.  Anyone who would like to help with this project, please contact Fran Warino at the rectory for more details.  We are also looking for baskets for the Chinese Auction.  If you are able to donate a basket, please bring it to the rectory by Wednesday, May 28, 2014 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., or contact Fran Warino at the rectory 330-792-3875, Patty Infante 330-799-3339, Barb Carissimo 330-799-4425 or Rosie Marich 330-792-5694 


Proceeds from this event will help to fund financial needs of the parish.  Take-outs are available


Altar & Rosary

Installation Banquet will be on Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at the Saxon Club, doors open at 6:00 p.m. and dinner at 6:30 p.m.  The cost will be $18.00 and check are to be made out to the ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY.  You can mail your check to St. Brendan Rectory 2800 Oakwood Ave., Youngstown, OH 44509, or drop it in the collection basket marked Teri Laret.  Friends are welcomed to join us.


Carnation Sale We will again be participating in the Right to Life carnation sale for Fathers day weekend, June 14 and 15 Carnations $1 each, 6 for $5 and 12 for $10 Please be generous.


Bishop’s Appeal 2014 THANK YOU to all who made a commitment to the 2014 Bishop’s Appeal.  84% of our Goal


PARISH GOAL $24,320.00

PLEDGED $20,417.00

AMOUNT DUE $3,903.00


Fish Dinner Committee would like to thank everyone who supported the fish dinners this year.  It was a very great year and we made $11,714, enough to pay for the rectory boiler.  To all of the dedicated workers who cooked, served and cleaned up a very special THANK YOU.  Without all the participation, this could of not been possible.  God bless you.

Just A Few Statistics

   2013                                                                                                  2014

    2,625 pounds of Fish                                                                       2,760 pounds of Fish

          3,384 Rolls                                                                                       162 Loaves of Bread

  600 pounds of Cabbage                                                                600 pounds of Cabbage

300 pounds of Potatoes                                                                300 pounds of potatoes

140 pounds of Macaroni                                                               120 pounds of Macaroni

38 Cakes                                                                                                41 Cakes

3,430 People Served                                                                      3,263 People Served




             Immaculate Heart of Mary Festival Wednesday, June 4 thru Sunday, June 8.

             Christ the Good Shepherd (St. Joseph the Provider) 633 Porter Ave. Campbell Festival June 5-8 on the church grounds.

             Wedding Anniversary Celebrations The Office of Pro-Life, Marriage and Family Ministry of the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown will sponsor two Wedding Anniversary Celebrations to honor couples who are observing their 25th, 40th, 50th or over anniversaries in 2014 will be celebrated on Sunday, June 15, 2:00 p.m. at St. Columba Cathedral in Youngstown. 

St. Joseph Austintown is hosting a Casino Bus Trip on Thursday, June 19, 2014.  The cost is $25.00 per person, which includes round trip bus, tip for the driver, $15.00 in free play money and $5.00 food coupon. For reservations call Joyce at 330-792-7907.